Baba is toi is a fan game of “Baba is you”, this project
was an assignment during a second year Unity programming course
at E-artsup. This assignment made me discover the principle
of recurrence, thanks to this new skill, I was able to reproduce almost identically (mechanically) 6 levels of the original game.
Baba is you is a puzzle game where the player can modify the “rules” of the game represented by blocks of words. A word block is made up of at least a subject block, an Is block and an action block. The goal is to modify the rules of a level in order to reach an object that has the “is win” rule.
Here are the solutions and mechanics provided by each level.
Level 1
Push mechanic
Level 2
Sink mechanic
Level 4
Hot, Melt, and the consequence of a subject
who is Melt and Hot
Level 3
And mechanic
Unity, C#
no one
Level 5
Key, Door, and the consequence of a subject who is 2 other subject
Level 6
Move mechanic